Terms of use

Design and development


Phone : 05 57 870 205
Mail : contact(at)agence-convergence.com
Address : 135 boulevard Maréchal Leclerc, 33300 BORDEAUX
SIRET : 344 600 598 00017


10 avenue Georges Lasserre
Bât D - Appt. 303
33 400 Talence

Responsible for publication


Bernard Zozime
Director of VIA Inno
16 avenue Léon Duguit
33 600 Pessac


Université de Bordeaux

SIREN : 130 018 351
SIRET : 130 018 351 00010
TVA intracommunautaire : FR23130018351
Activité (code APE / NAF) : 8542Z / Enseignement supérieur

Copyright and intellectual property

All the elements featured on our website are protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any reproduction or imitation, in whole or in part, without our express prior written consent, is prohibited.

It is strictly forbidden to collect and use the information available on the website for commercial purposes.

This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, all editorial elements on the site, screen layouts, operating software, logos, images, photos and graphics of any kind.

Some of the visuals on this site are taken from the royalty-free image bank unsplash.com. Special thanks to authors Jason Goodman, Firmbee.com, Fabio Lucas, Emile Guillemot, Dan Dimmock, Clay Banks, Campaign Creators, Scott Graham, Janko Ferlic, Gabriel Izgi, Matthew Osborn, UX Indonesia, Robynne Hu, Leyre, Tomasz Frankowski, Rohan Makhecha, Kelly Sikkema, Tianyi Ma, Jose Vazquez, Jonas Jacobsson, Pedro Miranda.